Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Royal Bahamian #Potcake Beauty

 We lived in Freeport Bahamas and our apartment was broken into 3 times and each time they were in our bedroom while we slept and went through my wallet and took all money and other things.

We needed a guard dog so we went to the Humane Society and my wife said there is a cute little puppy and we passed it by till this beast lunged at us all teeth and growl. Dats da wun I sed and we made the arrangements. She had been a street dog in Eight Mile Rock. I later met people who recognized her there and said her name was Beauty as she had such a pretty face. I had to have her spayed of course and she was groggy when I brought her home and it was good as I don't think she had ever been in a house and was really wild. It took food to tempt her and gentle talking before she would let me near her. Soon a training collar and evening walks to the golf course across the road for time together. It took quite a while to gain her trust and about 3 months before I could trust her to come when called if left to go out and do her business. Then serious training and she became known as a circus dog.

#Potcakes can be very smart and she had to be to survive on the streets. She loved garbage of course and was a total dumpster diver gourmet as that is how she survived at 8MR. One day I had her with me at the beach and she went out I thought to play in the surf. Dammed if she wasnt putting her head underwater and soon she was back at my side muching on her catch of the day. OMG OMG I wonder is she can cut bait???

Later I moved to Newfoundland Canada and she came with me. Too funny to see her see snow for the first time and she quickly learned to check out the yellow snow LOL. I worked on the ships as a repair engineer and she would come on board most with me and I would put her through her tricks numbering about 65 at that time. Later we moved to Toronto and I worked the ships there and went into Technical Sales and she came to work with me every day and the staff loved her.

I traded her back in forth with my xwife and she left her in the car and she died from the heat. My heart is still broken and I remember her very fondly. Dogs are better than people~!
She is waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

#911Day in #Tampa Florida

#911Day #Tampa

The day after the Twin Towers went down two of my friends exclaimed "Those are the guys~!"
Both friends had altercations with Mohammad Atta~!

#MohammadAtta #TwinTowers

Jamie Labelle worked for the late Richard Mullholland who's office was the Penthouse of the Bank of America Building in Tampa. She had seen these men several times in the building. The Bank there is for business in the building and parking is expensive so there is no reason for outsiders to use it.
Jamie made eye contact with Atta one time and he glared at her enough to frighten her. She went to security and complained. They said if they have not done anything wrong there is nothing we can do.


Jimmy McNerney had a second hand magazine stand at the Oldsmar Flea Market on weekends.
One day four men came while he was checking people out at the cash and asked him "Where are the magazines on Flying?" He told them there were some out in the Isle stand. They went out for a few minutes and Came back and grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away from his open cash and took him out to the isle. "Where are the magazines on Commercial Flying one demanded~!" We only have private pilot type magazines he replied and so they went away in disgust.

On hearing this I phoned #FBITampa and they told me to report on "Rewards for Justice" site which I did. Never any response.  

@Rewards4Justice  #Rewards4Justice @FBITampa

Some years later I had occasion to call Tampa FBI to report a Fraud. FBI Man said we are too busy to bother with that as we are working Terrorism besides I need to take my boy to Baseball~!

I sent emails to each newspaper, radio and TV station and Magazine in the #TampaBay area and Never a response on any of them.

I posted the story on our local website (now defunct) #TampaTnC
I emailed or called Tampa Police, Hillsborough County Sheriff, Florida Highway Patrol, Florida State Police and only the Hillsborough Sheriff showed mild interest and did not interview Jamie or Jimmy.

Note the Bank of America Building is the highest building in Tampa and overlooks #McDill Airforce Base the staging base for #DesertStorm

#USCentralCommand #McDillAFB #CENTCOM

Richard Gage is the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and his group's momentum has been steadily building. Richard joins me to discuss the details of the new University of Alaska study and harsh reality it points to as the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry continue to press their Mandamus lawsuit. visit Visit Become a Sponsor of Crowdsource the Truth & enjoy exclusive content on SubscribeStar & Patreon

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Research Breakthrough VIDEO

FBI resists thorough search of vast 9/11 files in Tampa for records about Sarasota Saudis 

I hope to continue this article and hope that the link will remain the same for Twitter sake. Please retweet to the appropriate Twitter accounts as you see fit..

FBI Finally Agrees To Name Saudi Official Who Helped 9/11 Attackers 



Thursday, January 10, 2019

Mosquito Hawks

My Dad called them Mosquito Hawks and we used to watch them in the early evening, in the 50's catching insects while flying. They would make a cheeping noise and speed up their wings each time they succeeded. When they spotted a big one below they would fold in their wings and dive after it and when they spread their wings they made a booming noise.  Now on #PEI Prince Edward Island, Canada no one seems to even know what they are. :-(

#Insecticides ? Prevalence of Foxes? They nest and sleep mostly on the ground and on flat rooftops.

They are also known as:

#Chordeiles minor

State of the Birds Report lists Common Nighthawk as a common bird in steep decline. Wondering why. If you spot this bird please report here, or on the Facebook page and, if you have information to share.


Photos on Flickr